Is Precision Moving Gantry Crane In High Demand?

The Gantry Crane is a versatile and useful instrument when lifting and moving of loads within a designated area is considered. The cranes that are mounted on gantry are usually heavy duty cranes though light cranes are also very popular. The load carrying capacity of the cranes varies with the industry requirement, and it can go upward of twenty thousand tons in modern giant shipyards. The advantage of cranes moving on rails is that it can transport hazardous materials from one place to another. It’s a must in all automated plants to carry material from one point to another.



Types of cranes



The most popular type of Gantry Crane is the workstation crane. Here the crane moves on rails, and these rails are the decider for the movement of the trolley. In fact, the automated plants or a plant dealing with items that cannot be transported by conveyors uses these cranes. The molten metal containing crucibles are carried in this fashion. Another common use of these cranes is in nuclear power plants where fuel rods are transported using these cranes because of the radiation factor. The advantage of these cranes is that it can carry bulky loads over a long distance and can be controlled with precision.



The crane structure



The structure of the crane is the most important factor, the reasons are obvious. The cranes used to transport heavy and or hazardous loads. Therefore, the safety of the hoist and the mast are both crucial. Trolley carrying molten steel crashing on the shop floor is beyond the worst possible nightmares. That is why cranes have a very rigid safety standard with zero tolerance. The question of the structural strength of the Gantry Crane and the hoist are all important. In fact, every nut and bolt used in crane has a definite standard, and that is internationally followed



Fixed or adjustable cranes



The height of the crane matters, it can be fixed, or it can be adjustable. In fixed type crane the top rail is set at a height, and the trolley moves between these fixed points. In the flexible types, the height can be increased or decreased from ground to top. The fixed types are typical for plants where the function of the crane is well defined, and the height adjustment of the trolley is enough. The variable Height Gantry Crane is an essential feature of those cranes which are not permanently fixed, and can be moved from one location to another, and naturally the adjustment of the gantry height becomes imperative.



The lightweight cranes



It is not always necessary that the lifting capacity of the crane should be in the order of a few hundred tons. Anything beyond your lifting capacity will need a mechanical support to lift. The lightweight aluminum cranes are invaluable support for this requirement and an essential item for the small industry and service providers like small garages and car maintenance units. To read more Click Here