The gantry cranes are used in various industries in order to lift heavy objects. However, the cranes that are used in shipyards, rail-yards or construction sites are large and can lift extremely
heavy objects. A small gantry crane cannot lift more than 5-6 tons of weight. Some small gantry cranes made of steel may have the capacity to lift 10 tons of weight. However, the small gantry
cranes are as useful as large gantry cranes despite having moderate lifting capacity. These cranes are used in many garages in order to pull the engines out of different types of motor-vehicles,
as they can pull the engines out of a pickup truck as efficiently as out of a small car. In garages, a gantry crane is even used in order to lift and hold a heavy object in place whilst working
on it. Thus, a small gantry crane can be useful in different scenarios.
A small gantry crane is also used in factories in order to
lift and move heavy objects. Most gantry cranes can lift and hold a heavy object at one place. However, some gantry cranes can move underweight. This type of gantry crane can be used
in order to shift a load within a room, from one room to another room or from indoor to outdoor and vice versa. This type of gantry crane is fitted with advanced features enabling them to move
when carrying the load.
A small gantry crane either moves on polyurethane casters or on pneumatic tires. The core of the polyurethane casters is made of steel which increases the strength of these casters. The casters
with steel core do not break when a gantry crane lifts the load or moves under the load. Hence, these casters are perfectly capable of carrying the load. The polyurethane casters are ideal for
moving on smooth surfaces, such as concrete floor. Thus, the gantry cranes fitted with polyurethane casters are ideal for being used indoors.
A small gantry crane may even be fitted with pneumatic tires or rubber tires. This type of rolling mechanism is ideal for both indoors and outdoors. The pneumatic tires have treads. Therefore, a
crane fitted with pneumatic tires does not topple over when moving on a rough or uneven surface.
It is possible to use an electric chain hoist or mechanical chain hoists on a small gantry crane. A trolley is used in order to hold an electric chain or mechanical chain hoist fitted with a
hook. It is possible to move the hoist from one point of a crane’s beam to another point with the help of trolley. The rolling wheels attached to the trolleys ensure smooth movement along the
I-beam. The electric chain hoists are used for continuous lifting and can work for 30 minutes at a time. They can be operated using a remote controller with the push of a button. Visit Here: